Climate change risks and opportunities for MDF programs and activities in Sri Lanka

Project summary: Supported the Market Development Facility (MDF) in Sri Lanka to workshop the implications of climate change for the sectors they support and identify solutions to mainstream climate change into all activities.

Arafura & Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Phase II – regional climate change vulnerability assessment

Project summary: Conducted a climate change vulnerability assessment for the large marine ecosystem of Arafura and Timor Seas, including habitats and fisheries in marine waters of Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Developed a guide for decision-makers to support local planning and adaptation actions.

Outputs from project:

  1. ATSEA2_Regional CC Vulnerability Assessment_2021
  2. ATSEA2_Climate Change Guide for Facilitators_2022
  3. ATSEA2_CCVA Oeseli case study_2021
Mainstreaming climate change into aquatic agricultural systems in the Asia-Pacific region

Project summary: A review of climate change impacts on aquatic agricultural systems in select countries to identify ways to integrate adaptation.